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Nigerian President Made a Cake for $31.3m? BBC Presenter Tweets, Deletes and Apologizes

A BBC broadcaster has sparked a social media controversy after he tweeted about a $31.3 million cake made for a Nigerian president, then deletes tweets after a barrage of attacks 

BBC World News anchor and World Business Report presenter, Aaron Heslehurst, has set the Nigerian social media buzzing with comments of mixed reactions and criticisms after he tweeted that a Nigerian president ordered a cake from world famous cake designer for a whooping $31.3 million.

"Sharing cake w/world famous cake maker, Mich Turner. Most expensive cake she's made - $31.3mln for Nigerian Pres.," he wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Just like we all expected, the tweet not only went viral but it triggered anger from Nigerians who are curently being faced with hardship as a result of the dwindling economy and the BBC broadcaster was bombarded with comments to the extent that the he deleted the tweet.

Aaron also apologized to Nigerians stating that he never knew the extent of damage he caused with just one tweet, adding that he made a mistake in the price tag of the cake.

Below are his apologies;

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